“WOMEN, the ARTS and the SACRED”: A Thank You Note
WII Program March 19, 2009, at Church on the Hill Chapel in Lenox
Thank you for your participation in this inspiring evening, for being a part of the Women’s Interfaith contribution to the First Annual
Through the written, visual and performing arts, we experienced the intricacies of personal relationships; the source of dedicated service to others; creative approaches to healing; the beauty and power of our natural environment; the Cosmos revealed through color and form, rhythm and movement.
So many of you shared your intimate personal beliefs and chosen art forms. Presenters and audience often became one being in the showing or performing of a piece. I received many emails from women expressing their appreciation for the entire evening’s experience and highlighting individual moments.
Thank you for bringing your art work, food for the Reception, your promotional material, and for making the arts a “common ground” where we can all meet.
With gratitude and blessings,
Shirley Paukulis, Event Producer