Celtic Spirituality with Jeanne Crane
Thanks to Jeanne Crane for a wonderful interactive presentation on the 'thin places'! Here's a link to her website celticspiritbooks.com/ and the place to share your experience of the thin places.

Women’s Interfaith Institute Celebrates Celtic Spirituality
The February program of Women’s Interfaith Institute will honor Celtic spirituality. Jeanne Crane, author of Celtic Spirit- A Wee Journey to the Heart of It All, will
share her experiences on the power of some of the places in Ireland
called ‘thin places’ that led her to a deeper level of spiritual
practice. These places, long home to Irish mystics and
poets, are holy and sacred, a place of transcendence, where one can
sense the Divine and feel lifted up. The term can also refer to a place
where the veil is thin, where there is a gateway to the Other World or
portal to the Fairy Kingdom. Still others use it to refer
to the notion of vortexes or sites where they experience a vibrational,
mystical energy. Some thin sites are natural, some built by the Church,
and still others made by ancient peoples who somehow knew how to channel
the light of sun and moon and stars. All provide the visitor with an
awesome sense of the mystery and wonder of the Universe.
message will also integrate discussion about the energy of the Divine
Feminine and its central role in the wisdom of the ancient mysteries,
the worship of the Goddess, and Celtic Christianity.
Jeanne Crane (www.JeanneCrane.com) is a life coach, organizational consultant, and change facilitator. She
has been traveling to Ireland since her teen years, but experienced
Celtic spirituality as the heart of her spiritual transformation decades
later when she was introduced to the ancient sites, the dolmens,
standing stones and beehive structures. The inspiration
for her book came in meditation at Glendalough, when she sensed the need
to tell a story of the universality of Spirit. Besides her Celtic practice, Jeanne’s spiritual home is Unitarian Universalism.
are asked to arrive at 5:45 pm and bring a dish to share for a pot luck
dinner which begins at 6 p.m.; Jeanne’s program begins at 7 pm. WII’s
monthly gatherings meet at the First Congregational Church of
Stockbridge, 4 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA. All are welcome; suggested
donation for non-members is $5-10.
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