Wednesday, September 18

The Art of Mindful Conversation

What is mindful conversation?    What does it have to do with creating a healthy community? Wendy Krom, a community organizer and student of Shambhala Buddhism, is currently organizing local congregations to form the Berkshire Organizing Sponsoring Committee. The foundation of this congregation-based approach to community organizing is relationship building. As we get to know each other one-on-one  and learn one another's stories in community, issues of concern reveal themselves and leaders naturally emerge.Wendy will lead us in the practices of mindfulness meditation and conversation.  In describing the work of community organizing, the practice of meditation and the study of Shambhala Buddhism, she will help us discern how our relationships with one another form the fabric of enlightened society.
Wendy Krom 
Wendy Krom is Founder and Director of Community Consulting Services, which provides training and technical assistance to non-profit organizations and community groups.

She has extensive experience in community coalition building as a means to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and has helped neighborhood groups become organized and young people to form peer education groups in their schools and communities.


A Prayer For Our World

Holy One of Blessing,  Source of Life                                                                                                     we offer our prayers for our Great Mother, our world of unspeakable beauty 
and unspeakable tragedy.
May the light of compassion grow in the hearts of all human beings, to transform the darkness of greed into the growing awareness that all life is sacred.
May You guide us with wisdom and strengthen us with courage to make the changes we need to make
to safeguard the future for our children and generations to come.
May You awaken our leaders to the one simple truth that we are all inextricably connected to one another.
At this time of particular danger and struggle in the Middle East we pray for all peoples who long to live under your canopy of peace.
Keep them safe when they are threatened and
protect them from harm.
When they are wounded and bereaved
grant them healing and comfort.
May they find strength and courage in the days ahead.
(this paragraph adapted from Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar)

Dear God, hear our prayers, grant us wisdom, courage

and the holy chutzpah
to continue the work for healing and peace .

received from Rimon in the Berkshires

Resouce Center for Jewish Spirituality

Share your prayer for peace.. 

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