Jungian analyst and psychotherapist Sarah Jackson will share her overview of the traditional hero, heretofore male, and the contemporary hero, who is not so strictly gendered. This lecture, accompanied by images, and discussion will focus on Sarah's particular interest: the new female heroes who are showing up in contemporary film-- cinema being the medium where our mythology is most visible. We will explore what these new heroes have to tell us about our own heroism as women.
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In addition to being a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, Sarah is a professional visual artist, as well as a writer. Her paintings, drawings and paperworks have been exhibited widely in the Berkshires, New York City, and elsewhere.
Women's Interfaith is a proud co-sponsor of:
The Second Annual Interfaith Forum on Death, Dying and the Afterlife
Sunday, February 9, 2014 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Berkshire South Regional community Center
Great Barrington, MA
In Feb. 2013 Rimon held the first Interfaith Forum on Spiritual Views of Death and the Afterlife. Upon conclusion of the event there was a resounding request for another opportunity to delve more deeply into this topic.
This 2nd Interfaith Forum will have two parts.
Part 1 will include Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu clergy/representatives to present their tradition's views in a question and answer format with a moderator and also in a community conversation.
Part 2 will include smaller break-out discussion groups led by experts in a variety of fields pertaining the following topics:
Part 1 will include Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu clergy/representatives to present their tradition's views in a question and answer format with a moderator and also in a community conversation.
Part 2 will include smaller break-out discussion groups led by experts in a variety of fields pertaining the following topics:
Topics to be covered will include: spiritual preparation for death, the journey of the soul, traditions around preparation of the body of the diseased, perspectives on suicide including physician assisted death with dignity, hospice care, grief rituals and support systems for the bereaved, the home funeral movement.
Suggested Donation: $10, to help defray the costs of the forum.
for most this
amazing day for the
leaping greenly spirits
of trees and the
blue true dream of
sky and for everything
that is natural that is
infinite that
is yes
I who have died am
alive again today and
this is the sun's birthday
this is the birthday of
light and of love and
of the gay, great happening
illimitable earth
how should tasting touching breathing merely human being
doubt unimaginable you
now the ears of my ears
awake and the eyes of
my eyes are open
poem by ee cummings